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Take a ride on what had once billed itself the Standard Railroad of the World. Here you will learn some of the basics about how the Pennsylvania Railroad operated, see sample freight and passenger schedules including the inaugural TrucTrain piggyback schedules of March, 1955, and sample the Pennsy's best trains, The Broadway Limited, The General, The Spirit of St. Louis, The Pennsylvania Limited and others. Train No.29, The Broadway Limited, All Pullman train is now ready for passenger boarding, Track No.8. All Aboard.

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD-Brief History and Family Tree

To get an idea of how the Pennsylvania Railroad evolved into the 10,000 mile juggernaut that it became, a look at the family tree of the major components formed as the result of merging of more than 600 companies, which were later merged into one cohesive railroad that became the juggernaut of the East and billed itself as The Standard Railroad of the World. The Pennsy got its charter in 1846 and merged with arch rival New York Central on February 4,1968, and was, technically, the surviving company, the Central having been merged out of existance. These PRR components are divided into Lines East and Lines West, with Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as the dividing point. The following are portions of the family tree of companies that went into making up the Pennsylvania Railroad. These do not comprise all the more than 600 companies that formed the Standard Railroad of the World, only the major ones;


1.Camden and Amboy
2.West Jersey and Seashore
3.Philadelphia,Baltimore and Washington
4.Philadelphia and West Chester
5.Pennsylvania Railroad (original)
6.Columbia and Port Deposit
7.Cumberland Valley RR
8.Northern Central Railway
9.Pittsburgh and Erie
10.Erie and Philadelphia
11.Western New York and Pennsylvania (original)
12.Elmira and Williamsport RR
13.Elmira and Lake Ontario
14.Olean,Bradford and Warren
15.Kendall and Eldred
16.Rochester,New York and Pennsylvania
17.Buffalo,Pittsburgh and Western
18.Buffalo and Oil Creek
19.Elmira,Jefferson and Canandaigua
20.Bald Eagle Valley


1.Madison and Indianapolis
2.Terre Haute & Richmond
3,Indianapolis and Cincinnati
4.Indiana Central
5.Pittsburgh,Fort Wayne & Chicago
6.Ohio and Indiana
8.Evansville and Crawfordsville
9.Steubenville and Indiana
10.Columbus and Indiana
11.Indianapolis and Vincennes
12.Terre Haute & Indianapolis
13.St. Louis,Vandalia and Terre Haute
14.Indianapolis & St. Louis
15.Grand Rapids and Indiana
16.St. Louis,Alton and Terre Haute
17.Cincinnati,Richmond and Fort Wayne
18.Pittsburgh,Cincinnati & St. Louis
19.Chicago,St.Louis & Pittsburgh
20.Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley
21.Cleveland and Pittsburgh
Once these companies began to merge together, the outline of the greater Pennsylvania Railrod to come began to take shape. Keep in mind that these are but a few of the more than 600 companies involved in the creation of the mighty Pennsylvania Railroad.
EQUIPMENT OWNED IN 1958(From 1958 Annual Report)

A.Locomotives Owned
1.Diesel passenger 100
2.Diesel freight 216
3.Diesel switch 1207
4.Passenger Electric,101
5.Freight Electric, 142
6.Electric Switcher 28
7.Steam freight 21
8.Steam switcher 1
total locomotives: 1815
1.Boxcars 62,766
2.Stock cars 591
3.gondolas 31,628
4.hopper 55,193
5. flatcars 2,833
6.cabin cars 1,836
total freight cars; 154,847
1.coaches 1094
2.combin.pass. 53
3.sleeping/parlor 798
4.psgr-cafe 35
5.baggage-mail-exp.RPO, 2158
6.diesel-electric 11
7.M-U coaches, 490 (MP54s,mostly)
8.combi. pass. 13
9.baggage-express-mail 7
total passenger cars: 4804
D.WORK EQUIPMENT 4366 pieces


1. Tugboats 34
2. Barges 156
3. Car floats 83
4. Misc. float 65
Total floating equip. 340 pieces.
FREIGHT TRAFFIC consisted of the following:
2.TrucTrain (intermodal)
3.Anthracite coal
4.Bituminous coal
6.ores and concentrate
1.Lake Region, Crestline,Ohio
BLW RF16 (A and B units)2000-2014,15 units
2016-2022,2024-2027,11 units
DR6-4-2000,5780-5787, 14 units (both A and B units)
2.Northwestern Region,Crestline,Ohio
Alco PA1s,5750-5757A,8 units
3.Northern Region,Renovo,Pennsylvania
BLW DR44-1500 (A and B units) 9568-9571,9572,9573
EMD F3(A andB);9500-9503A,9505A.
4.Pittsburgh Region: Two Engine Terminals: Pitcairn and Shire Oaks.Units assigned to Pitcairn: BLW RF16 9595B,
EMD F39610B,9547B-9555B,9555A,9546B.Units assigned to Shire Oaks:EMD F3:9605B,9606A,9707AB,9608AB,9547A,9548A-9555A,9541B.
The overall passenger operations of the Pennsylvania Railroad were divided into long distance, intercity, and suburban commuter operations. Of the latter, these were located in the New York-Philadelphia-Harrisburg,Baltimore-Washington, and Chicago-Valparaiso as well as the Pittsburgh area until 1964. The intercity and long distance passenger operations provided most of the glamour through which the Pennsylvania Railroad gained fame as the Standard Railroad of The World. Its Blue Ribbon Fleet of Modernism in the through line passenger service  provided most of the glamour, if not profits. Here such great trains as The Broadway Limited,The General, The Spirit of St. Louis, The Jeffersonian,  The Pennsylvania Limited, The Manhattan Limited, all come to mind. Most were all Pullman trains devoid of day coaches and catered to an upscale market. For the coach passengers, particularly budget minded travellers, such trains as The Trail Blazer, whose 1941 condensed schedule appears below, provided luxurious comfort at economy fares. This train and running mates that accompanied it, was ample proof that the railroad endeavored to take good care of its passengers, regardless of class of service they traveled on. We will present some sample passenger schedules in this section and a few sample consists, both of corridor and interline trains.
Table 1. THE TRAILBLAZER Eastbound Schedule
Lv Chicago (Union Station)  CST              1330
Lv Englewood                                         1345
Lv Gary                                           ax   1405
Lv Plymouth                                    ax    1459
Lv Fort Wayne                                        1559
Lv Lima                              EST         x   1759
Lv Crestline                                             1909
Lv Mansfield                                       x   1928
Lv Canton                                          x    2048
Ar Pittsburgh                                           2248
Lv Pittsburgh                                           2248
Ar Altoona                                             e0128
Ar Harrisburg                                         e 0355
Ar York                                                 e 0522
Ar Baltimore                                          e 0653   Note
Ar Washington                                       e0745
Ar Paoli                                                 e0525
Ar North Philadelphia                              e0511
Ar Trenton                                             e0618
Ar Newark                                             e0709
Ar New York (Penna. Station)                   0730
Note: refers to Washington Section of this train.
a-stops on signal to receive passengers
b stops on notice to conductor to discharge passengers
d stops to discharge passengers
e stops to discharge passengers from Pittsburgh and points west
q stops to receive passengers for Pittsburgh and points west
x station does not handle baggage.
THE TRAILBLAZER Westbound Schedule
Lv New York (Penna. Sta.)   EST    q1725
Lv Newark                                     q1740
Lv North Philadelphia                      q1856
Lv Paoli                                         q1922
Lv Lancaster                                  q2007
Lv Washington                               q1745   Note
Lv Baltimore                                  q1830
Lv York                                         q2003
Lv Harrisburg                                 q2050
Lv Altoona                                     q2314
Ar Pittsburgh                                  0148
Lv Pittsburgh                                  0153
Ar Mansfield                                 x0516
Ar Crestline                                    0535
Ar Lima                                          0647
Ar Fort Wayne   (CST)                    0645
Ar Plymouth                                 b0750
Ar Gary                                       dx0847
Ar Englewood                                d0910
Ar Chicago (Union Station)               0925

Sample PRR Freight Train Schedules.  The following are schedules of a few of the more than 900 daily freight trains the Pennsylvania Railroad had in operation on any given day during the 1959--60 period.Inaugural TrucTrain schedules to follow in the Intermodal section:
Table 1. PYC1 Conway to Chicago,IL
West Conway                        Lv  0700
Yellow Creek                         Ps 0755
Canton(Fairhope)                   Ar 1000
Canton(Stark)                        Lv 1201
Crestline                               Ar 1530
Crestline (West Yard)            Lv  1630
Fort Wayne (Adams)             Ar  2000   EST
Fort Wayne (Junction)           Lv  2200   CST
Plymouth                             Lv  0015
Bart                                     Ps 0200
Chicago(59th Street)             Ar  0500
Conway: Trains SC5,CBF-2.GWC-1,NWC-1,BC5,ED59,ED3,AS11,WP5,CBF4,
ED43 previous day: also PC1,EC9 and GC5 of same day.
Canton: SC1,CC2,ED37, and CP23 of previous day,CW5 and TM1 of same day.
Fort Wayne: PYC1 same day; FW89,GR19,FW2,GR3,FW26,FW21, and RH4 the following day. Same day connections from: RH3,GR6,WC1,CFW1,FW1,GR20,GR4, and PYC1 of same day.
Table2. CG8 THE ACE, Chicago to Greenville, NJ
Chicago 59th Street                   Lv  2030   CST
Chicago (Dolton)                        Lv  2210
Hartsdale                                  Ps 2230
Logansport(Van)                        Ar  0030
Logansport (Anoka)                   Lv   0130
Bradford                                   Ps  0420  CST
Columbus                                Ar   0745   EST
East Columbus                        Lv   0945   EST
Acre                                        Ps  1238
Esplen                                     Ps  1425
Pitcairn (WG)                           AR  1500
Pitcairn (SZ)                             Lv    1600
Altoona (Slope)                         AR  1930
Altoona (Antis)                          Lv    2030
Enola (Banks)                           Ar    0030
Enola (Day)                               Lv   0130
MA                                          Ps   0515
Waverly                                   AR   0630
Greenville                                 Ar    0700
Table 3. BF 4 The Bison, Buffalo,NY to Enola,PA
Buffalo           Lv     0030
Olean            Lv     0400
Renovo          Ar    0900
Renovo          Lv    1000
Rockville        Ps   1500
Enola            Ar    1530
Connections with other trains:
Olean: OB1,OFV1,OR4 same day
Renovo: BNY 16,BF4,SP2,WR2,W9
Table 4. BF14 THE CORNUCOPIA Buffalo to Enola.
Buffalo                   Lv 1201
Olean                    Lv 1530
Renovo                  Ar 2030
Renovo                  Lv 2130
Lock Haven           Ar  2230
Lock Haven            Lv 2250
Watsontown           Lv 0035
Northumberland      Ar 0145
Northumberland      Lv0230
Rockville                Ps0400
Enola                    Ar 0430
Table 5.CG-2 THE RELIABLE, Effner to Greenville,NJ
Effner                         Lv 0830      ct
Logansport(Van)         Ar 1100
Logansport(Anoka)     Lv  1530
Bradford                    Ps  1820     CT
Columbus                 Ar   2145     ET
East Columbus         Lv   2345
Acre                        Ps   0240
Esplen                     Ps   0430
Pitcairn (WG)           Ar    0510
Pitcairn (SZ)             Lv    0610
Altoona (Slope)         Ar   0940
Altoona (Antis)          Lv   1040
Enola (Banks)           Ar   1450
Enola (Day)              Lv    1830
MA                          Ps   2315
Greenville                 Ar   0200
Note: Tonnage limits were applicable on this train as follows: 4000 tons, Logansport to Columbus and 3750 tons east of Columbus. A number of other Pennsylvania Railroad freight trains may have had similar tonnage limitations as well. This was to allow operation on somewhat expedited schedules as well as fit the train to the motive power available at the time.
BEGINNINGS OF PENNSY INTERMODAL SERVICE  This service, referred to by the Pennsylvania Railroad as TrucTrain service, had its beginnings on March 3,1955 with the inaugural runs of TT1 and TT2 on March 3,1955 from each terminal on the following schedules:
TT1 Meadows, NJ to Chicago, IL
Meadows                        Lv         2300
Waverly                          Lv         2345
Holmes                          Ps        0130
Frankfort Jct.                  Lv         0200
Paoli                              Ps        0300
Enola (Day)                    Ar         0530
Enola (Banks)                 Lv         0630
Altoona (Antis)                Ar         0930
Altoona (Slope                Lv         1015
Pitcairn (WG)                 Ps         1325
East Liberty (CM)           Ps         1345
Federal Street                Ps         1415
Island Avenue                 Ar         1420
Island Avenue                 Lv         1440
Conway                         Ar         1510
Conway                         Lv          1555
Crestline                        Ar         2000
Crestline                        Lv         2045
Fort Wayne (Adams)      Ar         2359    ET
Fort Wayne (Junction)    Lv          2345    CT
Bart                              Ps         0215
Chicago (55th Street)     Ar          0300
Consist of train: Trailers for Chicago
MEADOWS: Closing hour for receipt of trailers from motor carriers: 10 pm
Dead Line for rail trailer to turn cars over to railroad: 10:30 pm . Makeup: Indiscriminate.
PHILADELPHIA(Frankford Jct.): Closing hour to receive trailers from motor carriers: 11:30 pm. Deadline for Rail-Trailer to turn cars over to railroad: 12:01 am.
Pick Up as per consist
CHICAGO- Rail-Trailer able to start releasing tie downs and unloading 3:30 am.
Trailers available to motor carriers at Rail-Trailer terminal: 4:00 am.
Train TT2 Chicago to Meadows (Inaugural Schedule of March 3,1955)
Chicago (55th Street)             Lv  2300
Bart                                      Ps 0010
Fort Wayne (Junction)            Ar 0315   CT
Fort Wayne (Adams)              Lv 0445   ET
Crestline                               Ar 0735
Crestline                               Lv 0805
Conway                                Ar 1205
Conway                                Lv 1250
Island Avenue                       Ar 1320
Island Avenue                       Lv 1340
Federal Street                      Ps 1345
East Liberty (CM)                 Ps 1415
Pitcairn(SZ)                         Ps 1445
Altoona (Slope)                    Ar 1800
Altoona (Antis)                     Lv 1845
Enola   (Banks)                    Ar 2145
Enola   (Day)                       Lv 2245
Paoili                                  Ps0115
Frankford Jct.                      Ar 0215
Holmes                              Ps 0245
Waverly                             Ar  0430
Meadows                           Ar 0500
Consist: Trailers for Philadelphia and Meadows
CHICAGO: Closing time for receipt of trailers from motor carriers: 10 PM
Deadline for Rail Trailer to turn cars over to railroad: 10:30 pm
Make up:
Block 1. Trailers for Philadelphia
Block 2. Trailers for Meadows
PHILADELPHIA (Frankford Jct.) Setoff Block 1.  Rail Trailer able to start releasing tiedowns and unloading: 4:15 am. Trailers available to motor carriers at Rail Trailer Terminal: 4:45 am
MEADOWS: Rail-Trailer able to start releasing tie downs and unloading: 5:15 am.
Trailers available to motor carriers at Rail-Trailer Terminal: 5:45 am
And so began intermodal freight service on the Pennsylvania Railroad, which began with 200 specially designed flatcars, each able to accommodate two loaded trailers and is 75 feet long, then the industry standard. These cars were designed for end loading (circus style) and trailers were driven on and positioned two to a car according to that car's destination. These trains operated on 29 hour schedules and launched what would become the Pennsy's fastest growing segment of the freight business. This was also the beginning of the Trailer Train Company as we know it today. These two trains eventually grew into a family of fast piggyback specials that came to serve 33 terminals throughout the Pennsylvania Railroad's system. When combined with New York Central's Flexivan service in 1968, it became known as TrailVan Service by successor Penn Central.
To support the service provided by these and other Pennsylvania Railroad freight trains, the railroad maintained major freight classification yards at strategic points around the railroad, numerous freight agencies in many passenger depots, freight houses in a number of key locations. Here are the major Pennsy classification yards and their car capacities:
1.Baview (Baltimore, 1400 cars a day
2.59th Street(Chicago),1200 cars a day
3.Enola (Harrisburg), 5000 cars
4.Conway (Pittsburgh),6000 cars
5.Rose Lake (St. Louis),600 cars
6.Waverly (Newark,NJ),900 cars
7.Buckeye (Columbus),2700 cars
8.Greenwich (Philadelphia), 600 cars
Of these Conway and Enola will be discussed in some detail as these were the two largest yards on the entire railroad.Conway Yard, about 20 miles northwest of Pittsburgh,consisted of the following;Eastbound Yard: 11 track receiving yard, two track hump with 18 electropneumatic retarders, accompanying a 54 track classification yard that could hold 3557 cars. In addition, there was a 7 track repair yard that could accommodate 234 cars. The Westbound Yard consisted of an 11 track receiving yard, two hump tracks, 14 electropneumatic retarders, a 53 track classification yard that could handle 3153 cars a day, a 16 track relay yard and a 5 track local yard. This facility is still a major terminal used by Norfolk Southern Railway today. Certain car blockings and classifications are done here that  are not done at Enola Yard, some 258 miles to the east. 
ENOLA YARD, 7 miles long, 125 miles of track, 476 switches make up this yard, which is really two yards in one, Westbound receving has 16 tracks with 1721 car capacity, classification yard, 35 tracks, 3505 car capacity. Eastbound Yard: 15 receiving tracks with 1983 car capacity, 34 track classification yard, 2199 car capacity, 5 relay tracks able to accommodate 589 cars, 5 pullout tracks of 169 car capacity, 103 other tracks 1ith 1875 car capacity. This was once billed by the Pennsylvania Railroad as the largest classification yard in the world. The use of larger capacity freight cars may have change the capacity figures considerably, but nevertheless, Enola Yard is still an important yard to the Norfolk Southern System. Both Conway and Enola have complemented each other as to classification each has performed for the Pennsylvania Railroad and its successors.59TH STREET YARD-CHICAGO. This yard handled classification for the Panhandle District of the Pennsylvania Railroad. In later years it also handled classifications for other parts of the railroad as received from western connections at Chicago. 59th Street Yard consisted of 101 tracks, an engine house and the hump operation averaged 4229 cars a day in 1947. Assisting 59th Street Yard and handling other PRR sections was 55th Street Yard, consisting of 95 tracks able to handle 2319 cars a day. These consisted of 18 eastbound receiving tracks (445 cars),16 eastbound classification tracks (383 cars), 8 westbound receiving tracks (302 cars), 18 westbound classification tracks(485 cars) and featured a hump operation in both directions. Supplementing both 59th and 55th Street Yards was Colehour yard, a 38 track flatswitching yard able to handle 1743 cars a day and later, became primarily an industrial support yard servicing Pennsy customers in the southeastern side of Chicago. In the Pittsburgh area, Pitcairn Yard, located east of Pittsburgh, consisted of a 13 track eastbound receiving yard able to handle 865 cars a day, a 54 track eastbound classification yard, able to handle 1700 cars a day,westbound receiving yard of 17 tracks capable of handling 1026 cars dailya, and a 36 track classification yard able to handle 1870 cars a day. As the industrial base in the Pittsburgh area shrank, so did the need for Pitcairn as a classification yard, whose functions were later assumed by Conway Yard, about 22 miles to the northwest of Pittsburgh. Pitcairn has since been converted into an intermodal facility as has Chicago's 55th STreet Yard. A few other facilities that supported the freight services of the Pennsylvania Railroad were Bayview Yard in Baltimore,Maryland,Harsimus Cove in Jersey City,New Jersey, and Greenville Yard, also in New Jersey. Of these, Bayview Yard consisted of the following:
4 southbound receiving tracks, 16 southbound classification tracks, 7 northbound receiving tracks, and 17 northbound classification tracks. The southbound receiving yard could handle 400 cars a day, the classification750 cars a day while the northbound receiving yard could handle 370 cars a day and the northbound classification yard, 850 cars a day. With the demise of Potomac Yard in Alexandria,Virginia, the former PRR Bayview Yard has taken on added importance to Norfolk Southern as has the ex B&O yard of the same name has for CSX.. In addition to these major classification yards around the railroad, the Pennsylvania Railroad maintained 33 TrucTrain terminals for its piggyback services, which used railroad owned, motor carrier -owned, and shipper owned trailers, depending on the service the shipper wanted to use for his goods. In addition, with door to door pick  up and delivery service, the Pennsylvania Railroad was able to offer the shipper a complete transportation service taylored to his needs.