Collecting Bus and Transit Timetables
Timetables of the Trailways National Bus System
Trailways Timetables
Thru Bus Timetable Material
Greyhound Timetables
Subject Matter of the Hobby

Now known as the Trailways Transportation System, the National Trailways Bus System once had Continental Trailways, later Trailways Lines, Inc., as the largest member of the association and core of the entire Trailways system prior to its purchase by Greyhound Lines,which has resulted in virtual destruction of much of its route structure. Thus a group of 65 companies, including bus lines and suppliers make up the Trailways Transportation System, including a few Canadian carriers.

Of the approximately 65 members of the Trailways Transportation System, the following bus lines are known to issue timetables to the public in one form or another:
1.Burlington Trailways (not to be confused with RR subidiary)
2.Capitol Trailways of Pennsylvania
3.Concord Trailways
4.C&J Trailways
5.Adirondack Trailways
6.Martz Trailways
7.Northwestern Trailways
8.New York Trailways
9.Lakefront Trailways
10.Rimrock Trailways

There are probably others to be sure, but if there are others, it would be most appreciated if they are called to my attention. As for Continental Trailways, it was the largest member of the entire National Trailways Bus System for many years and issued a variety of timetable forms that rivaled that of Greyhound LInes. The following are a few of the timetable forms and territories they covered:

Form CE1. Timetable folder that covered the transcontinental through routes of Continental Trailways between New York, Los Angeles, San FRancisco and intermediate points. Principal transcon routes were called The Golden Nugget Route, which ran via Salt Lake City,Denver, and Omaha west of Chicago; The Empire Route, which ran between New York and Los Angeles via St. Louis, Joplin,Amarillo, Phoenix, to name a few, and The Ozark Route, which ran from New York to Houston via St. Louis, Little Rock, and other points. CEMT-5 New Interstate 80 Route. This was essentially a remake of Edwards Lakes To Sea's system timetable but with the Continental Trailways Name. CEMT 3. Was another Continental Trailways-Edwards Lakes To Sea Division folder covering the New York-Cleveland route only. CEMT1 was still another Edwards Lakes to Sea Division folder covering Elmira,NY-Williamsport,PA plus Williamsport-State College,PA. CSWT-4 was a Continental Safeway Trails form covering service between Philadelphia,South Jersey,Camden, and New York. Form 11 covered Trailways routes along the Eastern Seaboard and coast to coast. Named routes were: The Rebel Route, The Dixieland Route,The President Route,and the Atlantic States Route. CQ 7 was a timetable folder for Continental Trailways routes serving the Great Smoky Mountains, and Western North Carolina. Principal named route was The Arrow Route. These are only a few examples of the multitude of timetable folders issued by Continental Trailways. Smaller members of the National Trailways Bus System issued their own individual timetable folders as well. IN addition, a Trailways System Timetable book was issued, covering the whole system. This was primarily for use by agents and operating personnel. With the 1987 purchase of Trailways Lines, Inc. (formerly Continental Trailways), a lot of the timetable folders that once appeared in the timetable racks at trailways stations around the country vanished or became Greyhound/Trailways forms instead.

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