Here is the story of CSX Transportation as the railroad, which is the largest system east of the Mississippi evolved
into what it is today. Profiles and rosters of predecessors are also listed as are sample freight and passenger schedules
wrapped together in a package of information about this railroad that you won't likely find anywhere else, save for the railroad's
official website and Allan Brougham's excellent The Bull Sheet website.
To acquaint onesself with CSX Transportation, it is felt that a fast facts profile of the railroad would not be a bad
place to start.CSX operates 21,000 miles of railroad serving 23 states and two Canadian Provinces. In addition, the railroad
makes connections with 230 shortline and regional railroads and serves 70 ports. CSX Transportation itself operates approximately
1200 trains a day throughout its system. This includes 500 weekly trains operated for CSX Intermodal. The freight traffic
mix of CSX Transportation is as follows: 1.Merchandise, 60% 2.Automotive, 12% 3.Coal,coke, iron ore,27% 4.Other,
1% The MERCHANDISE category of freight traffic consists of the following: A.Phosphates and fertilizers B.Metals
C.Food and Consumer products D.Forest Products E.Agricultural Products F.Chemicals G.Emerging Markets.
A.Locomotives; 3708 broken down as follows:
1.Road Freight, 2258
2.Local Power, 997
3.Yard Switchers,264
4.Mates and Slugs, 189
Local Power generally includes such locomotive types as EMD GP38-2,GP40-2s,GP39s, GE B23-7s,B36-7s, B30-7s, GP15-1s,GP15Ts,
to name a few. In the road freight fleet, the SD40-2, at more than 400 units, remains a stalwart workhorse of the road freight
locomotive fleet.
B.Freight Cars
1.Boxcars, 16,024
2.Covered Hoppers, 17,263
3.Open Top Hoppers, 19,913
4.Gondolas, 30,809
5.Multilevels, 12,696
6.Other, 8,009
Total freight car fleet: 104,714
C.Major Terminals. These are broken down by former railroad as follows:
1.Ex B&O; Chicago,Cumberland, Curtis Bay (Baltimore),Willard.
2.Ex C&O; Richmond,Walbridge(Toledo), Russell, Cincinnati (also used by B&O)
3.Ex CR: Indianapolis (Avon),Cleveland(Collinwood),Buffalo(Frontier),Columbus,Syracuse (DeWitt).
4.Ex L&N; Evansville, Louisville, Nashville,Mobile, Montgomery, New Orleans, Birmingham, Atlanta.
5.Ex SCL: Charleston,Baldwin,East Savannah,Florence, Hamlet,Jacksonville, Rocky Mount,Tampa, and Waycross.
6. Ex Clinchfield; Erwin,TN.
The majority of the more than 2700 daily trains operated by CSX are symboled as follows:
Q300s,Northern East-West Corridor
Q400s,Easterm North-South Corridors
Q500s,Western North-South Corridors
Q600s,Cross corridors
L-train, alternate schedule of Q train
S-train, second section.
R-train, temporary, transitional, or rerouted train.
X-train, Extra train, third section, or makeup train.
K-train, train carrying a single bulk commodity, usually a unit train.
P-train, a passenger train carrying passengers, or deadhead equipment.
Sample Condensed Freight Schedules
Table 1. Train Q108 Rose Lake to Little Ferry (Tu thru Sa)
Lv Rose Lake, IL 0200 CST
Ar Avon,IN
Lv Avon,IN
Ps Berea, OH 1530
Ar Cleveland,OH 1615
Lv Cleveland,OH 1715
Ar Buffalo,NY 2115
Lv Buffalo,NY 2130
Ar Syracuse,NY 0045
Lv Syracuse,NY 0100
Ar Selkirk,NY 0415
Lv Selkirk,NY 0430
Ar Little Ferry,NJ 1015
Table 2. Train Q111 Little Ferry to Rose Lake (Th thru Sa)
Lv Little Ferry,NJ 0715 EST
Ar Selkirk,NY 1230
Lv Selkirk,NY 1245
Ps Syracuse,NY 1615
Ar Buffalo,NY 2030
Lv Buffalo,NY 2045
Ar Cleveland,OH 0100
Lv Cleveland,OH 0230
Ps Berea,OH 0330
Ar Avon,IN 1030
Lv Avon,IN 1130
Ar Rose Lake, IL 1645
Table 3. Train Q216 Detroit to Philadelphia Multilevels
Lv Detroit,MI 1245
Ar Walbridge,OH 2045
Lv Walbridge,OH 0300
Ar Willard, OH 0600
Lv Willard, OH 0630
Ar Connellsville,PA 1600
Lv Connellsville, PA 1700
Ar Cumberland,MD 2030
Lv Cumberland,MD 2130
Ps JD Tower, MD 0300
Ps Bayview, MD 0515
AR Twin Oaks,PA 0715
Lv Twin Oaks, PA 0745
Ar Philadelphia,PA 0840
Table 4. Train Q 217 Philadelphia to Louisville
Lv Philadelphia,PA 0015
Ar Twin Oaks, PA 0045
Lv Twin Oaks, PA 0200
Ps Bayview, MD 0445
Ps JD Tower, MD 0615
Ar Cumberland,MD 1045
Lv Cumberland,MD 1130
Ps Connellsville,PA 1600
Ps Dayton,OH 1245
Ar Cincinnati 1700
Lv Cincinnati 1715
Ar Louisville 0230